Thursday, 21 September 2017


 The Bhatia Community Mission Foundation's Bhatia's Online Encyclopedia

The tree has been created to show OUR history. We want our roots to be shown, so that they can be woven into our lives to show us who we are and where we come from. We all know the old saying; you don't know where you're going, until you know where you're from.

Now, this family is a large family. Not only from blood, but from in-laws and step-relatives, which we treat as if they were in-fact blood. There have been a lot of marriages and re-marriages, and they are all shown, so that you can get a broad view of where the branches lead to.

We are a family, not an organization, so, every page is shown with full biographies (If applicable), dates of birth/death and photos, to show you all who YOU'RE family really is. See your relatives, and have a look at you're history, you're present and you're future. I have been told that 'Genealogy is more than digging for personal roots. It involves looking into the history of the eras during which our relatives lived, as well as sharing that information with other researchers. ‘My thanks to all of my internet friends and cousins who have given me encouragement and have been willing to share their information with me. I hope those who visit my site will learn and enjoy the history of my family. This is a 'living' site so it will be updated and amended quite frequently. Photo's will be added in time so check back often if you have an interest in any of my ancestors. Also copies of certificates and censuses will be added in due course.

The Bhatia Community mission foundation's Bhatia's Online Encyclopedia Project was launched in 2009, with the objective of bringing together Bhatias residing across the world. Over the last One year, we have received tremendous response from across the globe and this encouragement has helped us to continue this project and take the project to greater heights. Since its inception, we have made a humble effort to register as many Bhatias as we could, but the process needs more effort and coordination from people across the globe. We are thankful to the community members who have helped us to bring this project to light and who continue to offer their help at all times. We sincerely appreciate this support and look forward to receiving support in the years to come.

Today, The Bhatia Community Mission Foundation's Bhatia's Online Encyclopedia has registered from all over the globe and we have received emails from many families, who were able to contact each other using this Community's Encyclopedia.

We are constantly endeavoring to make this directory even more resourceful and we welcome suggestions from each one of you. If you have any feedback or suggestion, please send us an email on We hope you like this newly designed website and we look forward to your continued support. Please feel free to sign my guest book. - Dr.Pravin Gopaldas Purecha E-mail us at ,


Live Darshan

Shri Shiddhivinayak Mandir —>Click for Siddhivinayak Live Darshan
Shri  Saragpur Hanumanji —>Click for Sarangpur Hanumanji Live Darshan
Shri Somananath Mandir—>Click for Somanath Mandir Live darshan
Shri Swaminarayan Mandir ——->Click for for Radhe Krishna Live Darshan
Shri Vitthal Rukamani Mandir —–>Click for Shri Vitthal Rukamani Live Darshan
Shri Govind Devji ——->Click for Govind Devji Live Darshan
Shri Tulaja Bhavani —–>Click for Tulja Bhavani Ma Live Darshan
Shri Omkareswar Mandir——->Click for Omkareswar Live darshan
Shri Harsiddhimata ——>Click for Harsiddhimata Mand ir Live Darshan


TAS ICON 2021: Nailesh Khimji

  PINTEREST Just as professional and just as pious and philanthropic, rooted in the same old cherished values and in synch with the global b...